Monday 2 August 2010

Converting an integer to binary string -

* Compilation: javac
* Execution: java Binary n
* Prints out n in binary.
* % java Binary 5
* 101
* % java Binary 106
* 1101010
* % java Binary 0
* 0
* % java Binary 16
* 10000
* Limitations
* -----------
* Does not handle negative integers.
* Remarks
* -------
* could use Integer.toBinaryString(N) instead.

public class Binary {
public static void main(String[] args) {

// read in the command-line argument
int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

// set v to the largest power of two that is <= n
int v = 1;
while (v <= n/2) {
v = v * 2;

// check for presence of powers of 2 in n, from largest to smallest
while (v > 0) {

// v is not present in n
if (n < v) {

// v is present in n, so remove v from n
else {
n = n - v;

// next smallest power of 2
v = v / 2;




Though written a program, we can use inbuilt lib of java - See here.

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